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Capture new customers

Vetted is connecting you to companies and public players who are sustainably transforming themselves.

KPIs fournisseur

Boost your sales


The time it takes for your organization and your sustainable solutions to be validated online, giving you access to new prospects and customers.


Your responsible product and service sales via our marketplace, but also your sustainable data safe.


The number of sustainable solution suppliers who have already chosen Vetted.
Responsible suppliers

A distribution channel designed for you and your customers

  • Show that solutions for the planet do exist ! Gain visibility and make yourself known to your ecosystem.
  • Exchange with your prospects and clients on their challenges and accompany them throughout their projects.
  • Continue to reduce your impacts by integrating customer feedback and opinions.
  • Work for a sustainable world by developing your business relationships as part of your responsible value chain and build your own success in the sustainable economy.

Accelerate customers’ growth and loyalty

  • Visible in searches
Croissance et fidélisation

Optimize your B2B sales

  • Adapts to new buyer needs
B2B sales

Simplify purchasing operations

  • Compliance and reputation
ESG data collection
For your customers

Business intelligence data

  • Supply of ESG performance, carbon footprint and other documents
  • Display of environmental and social performance via scorecard and DPP
  • Labels and certifications available : BCorp, ISO 20400 and ISO 26000, SRI label and others
  • Supply of your extra-financial audit
For you

Generate more business

  • Positive practices for all stakeholders
  • Risk management, care and due diligence duty
  • Improvement of your position inside supply chains
  • Help weighting in order to be the best bidder

Simplicity that encourages sustainable purchasing

One-click activation

Customers can access your eShop at the click of a button and easily browse through your assortment of products and services to find what they’re looking for.


Customers can make all their responsible purchases from the Vetted platform, reducing process costs and saving time.


Vetted offers buyers several options to access your documentation : carbon footprint, labels, extra-financial audit, environmental and societal impact…

They are using Vetted for greater visibility and opportunities

Distribute on Vetted today

The commercial solution for your sustainable offers